The Rights Lab is a quantitative methods lab in the UBC Department of Psychology under the direction of Dr. Jason Rights.
The research in the Rights Lab is broadly aimed to improve statistical and methodological practice in scientific research, particularly for psychology and related fields. More specifically, the work in this lab focuses on addressing methodological complexities and developing statistical methods for multilevel/hierarchical data contexts (e.g., patients nested within clinicians, students nested within schools, or repeated measures nested within individuals). Examples of recent and ongoing work include:
- developing R-squared measures and methods for multilevel (or mixed effects) models;
- addressing unappreciated consequences of conflating level-specific effects in analysis of multilevel data;
- delineating relationships between multilevel models and other commonly used models, such as mixture models; and
- advancing model selection and comparison methods for latent variable models.
To aid researchers in applying this work, this lab also develops software (primarily in R) that is openly available for public use.
Please see the “Publications” tab for a list of published papers along with supplemental materials, and the “Software” tab for information on publicly available software.